9.2 Million Australians Benefits From Major Superannuation Change From July: $17,570 Boost

Amelia Ross
4 Min Read

Starting July, Australian workers will see big changes in their superannuation payments, thanks to a boost from the government. This update is aimed at helping 9.2 million Australians save more for their retirement. Here’s everything you need to know about the new changes.


What is Superannuation?

Superannuation, or “super,” is a retirement savings plan in Australia. It’s a way for people to save money for their future when they stop working. Superannuation involves funds contributed by employers and sometimes by the workers themselves. These contributions grow over time, helping people have enough money when they retire.


How the Changes Will Benefit Workers

From July, employers will increase the percentage of your salary that goes into your superannuation fund. This rate, known as the super guarantee, will go up from 11% to 11.5%. For many workers, this means more money saved for retirement without any extra effort.


Details of the New Superannuation Changes

The recent Federal Budget has announced some key changes:

  • Higher Employer Contributions: Employers will now contribute 11.5% of your salary to your superannuation fund, up from 11%.
  • Increased Pre-Tax Contributions: The limit for pre-tax contributions will rise from $27,500 to $30,000 annually.
  • Increased After-Tax Contributions: The limit for after-tax contributions will increase from $110,000 to $120,000 annually.
  • Non-Concessional Contributions: You can now make up to three years’ worth of non-concessional contributions in a single year, up to $360,000.
  • Government Co-Contributions: The thresholds for government co-contributions will also be adjusted, which will help lower-income earners boost their super funds.

How Much Extra Money Will You Get?

The exact amount of extra money you get depends on your salary. For example, if you earn $100,000 a year, you might see an increase of about $540 per year in your superannuation fund. If you earn $200,000, the increase could be around $1,039 per year. Over time, these increases add up, significantly boosting your retirement savings.


Example of Long-Term Benefits

To understand the long-term impact, consider this example: A 30-year-old worker could see their retirement fund grow by about $17,570 due to these changes. With future planned increases, this amount could potentially reach $34,000 over their working life.


The changes to superannuation are a big deal for Australian workers. They help ensure that people have more money saved for retirement, making it easier to retire comfortably. The government’s decision to gradually increase the super guarantee rate reflects ongoing efforts to strengthen retirement savings and ease the burden on the public pension system.


If you’re an Australian worker, it’s a good idea to review your superannuation arrangements and consider taking full advantage of the new contribution limits to maximize your retirement savings.



1. What is superannuation?


Superannuation is a retirement savings plan in Australia where money is saved over time for when you retire.


2. How much is the new employer contribution rate?


Starting July, the employer contribution rate will increase from 11% to 11.5%.


3. What are the new limits for pre-tax and after-tax contributions?


The pre-tax contribution limit will be $30,000 annually, and the after-tax contribution limit will be $120,000 annually.


4. How will these changes affect my retirement savings?


The changes mean more money will be added to your superannuation fund, helping you save more for retirement.


5. What should I do to take advantage of these changes?


Review your superannuation arrangements and consider maximizing your contributions within the new limits.


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A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Amelia's articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.
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