Know About the U.S. Kennedy Half-Dollar Coin Worth Up to $26,000

Amelia Ross
5 Min Read

Are you fascinated by rare coins? The 1964 Kennedy half-dollar might be especially interesting to you. These coins can be worth up to $26,500! Many collectors love them, and their value can be quite high. Let’s explore what makes these coins so special.


Historical Value

The 1964 Kennedy half dollar holds significant value for several reasons:


Historical Significance

These coins were made shortly after President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. They are a tribute to his memory.


Material Composition

The 1964 coins were made with 90% silver, which is higher than the silver content of coins made in later years.


Limited Production

1964 was the first year these coins were made, making them rare and highly sought after.


Condition and Rarity

The value of a 1964 Kennedy half dollar can vary based on its condition and rarity. Some of these coins have sold for over $25,000 at auctions. Factors affecting their value include:


Mint Mark

Coins minted in certain locations might be more valuable.



Coins in excellent condition, without wear and tear, are more desirable to collectors.


Historical Provenance

Coins with a unique history or story can be worth more.


These coins are not just pieces of metal; they are pieces of history that could be worth thousands of dollars. Whether you are a seasoned collector or new to the world of coin collecting, the Kennedy half dollar is an exciting coin to know about.


Market Demand

John F. Kennedy’s influence remains strong in American culture. His legacy is honored through memorials, documentaries, books, and even collectible coins like the Kennedy half dollar. Despite high production numbers, many 1964 Kennedy half dollars remain rare and valuable. Over 429 million of these coins were minted, including those from the Denver Mint. The high demand among collectors means these coins can fetch thousands of dollars at auctions.


Coin Characteristics

The 1964 Kennedy half dollars are special for many reasons. The silver content is one of the highest among U.S. coins, making them valuable not just to collectors but also for their material worth. People often bought these coins as keepsakes after Kennedy’s tragic death, and many have been preserved in excellent condition.


Potential Value

Even if your 1964-D Kennedy half dollar has some imperfections, it can still be worth more than its face value. Here are potential prices based on condition, according to the Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS):

  • MS-40: $14
  • MS-60: $17
  • MS-63: $24 – $26
  • MS-64: $30 – $38
  • MS-65: $52 – $75
  • MS-66: $150 – $325
  • MS-67: $575 – $2,500
  • MS-68: $26,500

Professional Advice

If you have a 1964-D Kennedy half dollar and are unsure about its value, it’s a good idea to consult with a coin dealer or a professional collector. They can help you determine if your coin is valuable. Each coin has its unique characteristics and potential value. Happy collecting!


The 1964 Kennedy half dollar is more than just a coin; it’s a piece of history that can be worth a lot of money. Whether you’re a coin enthusiast or a history buff, knowing about these coins can be fascinating and potentially profitable. Keep an eye out for these special coins, as they could hold significant value.



1. What makes the 1964 Kennedy half dollar so valuable?
The 1964 Kennedy half dollar is valuable because of its historical significance, high silver content, and limited production.


2. How can I determine the value of my 1964 Kennedy half dollar?
The value can be determined by its condition, mint mark, and historical provenance. Consulting with a coin dealer or a professional collector is a good idea.


3. Are all 1964 Kennedy half dollars worth a lot of money?
Not all are worth thousands, but many can be worth more than their face value, especially those in excellent condition or with unique characteristics.


4. Where can I sell my 1964 Kennedy half dollar?
You can sell your coin at auctions, through coin dealers, or online marketplaces for collectors.


5. Why do collectors value the 1964 Kennedy half dollar so much?
Collectors value these coins for their historical significance, rarity, and the memory of President Kennedy they represent.


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