Social Security benefits to change again in 2024 – New eligibility criteria

Amelia Ross
4 Min Read

The Social Security Administration (SSA) often updates its policies to better serve the people. Starting in September 2024, there will be a significant change to the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, which will benefit many people.


What is SSI?

Understanding Supplemental Security Income

SSI is a program that provides monthly financial help to adults and children who are disabled or blind. To qualify, you must have a monthly income below $1,971 and very few assets.


The Big Change: Food Assistance

Food No Longer Counts as Income

The new policy change will benefit about 7.4 million Americans receiving SSI. The main change is that food will no longer be considered income when determining SSI eligibility. Before, if you received food from family or friends, it could reduce your benefits. This will no longer be the case.


Why This Matters

Darcy Milburn from The Arc, a nonprofit that helps people with developmental and intellectual disabilities, praised the change. She said it means SSI beneficiaries won’t have to worry that the food they receive will lower their benefits. The SSA also won’t need to track every time someone gets free food, which used to reduce their monthly payments by as much as a third.


The SSA’s Position

Simplifying Policies for Everyone

This change is part of a larger effort by the SSA to make its policies simpler. Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley explained that simplifying policies helps reduce the burden on both the public and SSA staff. He said it promotes fairness by removing barriers to accessing payments.


Why This Change is Important

Helping Those in Need

Under the old rules, people sometimes had to choose between accepting temporary help, like food from family or friends, and receiving long-term benefits. With food prices rising, this choice was getting harder. The new rule aims to make the system fairer and less complicated, allowing people to build stronger communities without risking their benefits.


A Step Towards Fairness

By not counting food as income, the SSA is making it easier for people to get the help they need. This change is part of a broader effort to make the system fairer and more accessible. It’s a practical measure that will improve the lives of many vulnerable people. The SSA plans to continue updating and simplifying its policies to better serve the community.



1. What is the new SSI policy change?
Starting in September 2024, food will no longer be considered income when determining SSI eligibility.


2. How will this change benefit SSI recipients?
SSI recipients won’t have their benefits reduced because of the food they receive from family or friends.


3. Why did the SSA make this change?
The SSA aims to simplify its policies, reduce administrative burdens, and promote fairness.


4. Who will be affected by this change?
Approximately 7.4 million Americans receiving SSI will benefit from this new rule.


5. What are the future plans for SSI policy updates?
The SSA plans to continue updating and simplifying its policies to improve fairness and accessibility.


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A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Amelia's articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.
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