86-Year-Old Woman Faces $30,000 Debt with No Savings

Amelia Ross
4 Min Read

Imagine being 86 years old and worrying about money every day. Unfortunately, that’s the reality for Joan from Jacksonville, Florida. In a recent episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Joan shared her story about dealing with financial struggles and tough decisions at an age when she should be enjoying life. Let’s look at Joan’s story and understand the challenges many elderly people face with debt.

Joan’s Story

Joan is 86 years old and only has her Social Security to rely on. She owns her home and car but has $30,000 in credit card debt. Joan has been a single mom since she was 19, with no child support and no savings. She lives on just $1,200 a month from Social Security and worked until she was almost 80.


How Debt Piled Up

With so little money, Joan started borrowing to cover her expenses. She needed about $200 more each month, so she turned to credit cards. By making only the minimum payments, her debt grew due to interest, becoming unmanageable over time.

Average Debt Among Seniors

Joan’s situation is not unique. In 2022, the average debt for households aged 65 to 74 was $134,950, according to the Federal Reserve. For those 75 and older, it was $94,620. This shows that many seniors struggle with debt in their later years.


Limited Options

Joan’s options are limited. She could sell her 17-year-old car, but that would leave her without transportation. Selling her home and moving into an apartment is another option, but it’s not ideal. She can’t work due to her 21-year battle with leukemia, and moving in with her daughter isn’t possible because they don’t get along.

Seeking Solutions

Joan is understandably worried about her future. She needs help to find a solution that will allow her to live comfortably without the burden of debt. It’s crucial to address these issues and find ways to support our seniors so they can live their golden years without the stress of financial problems.


Joan’s story is a stark reminder of the financial struggles that many elderly people face. With limited income and high debt, finding a way out can be challenging. It’s essential for society to find solutions to support our seniors and ensure they can live comfortably without the constant worry of financial problems.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How old is Joan and where does she live?

Joan is 86 years old and lives in Jacksonville, Florida.


2. What is Joan’s financial situation?

Joan relies solely on Social Security, lives on $1,200 a month, and has $30,000 in credit card debt.

3. How did Joan’s debt accumulate?

Joan started borrowing money because she needed about $200 more each month. Making only the minimum payments on her credit cards, her debt grew due to interest.


4. What are the average debt levels among seniors?

In 2022, the average debt for households aged 65 to 74 was $134,950, and for those 75 and older, it was $94,620.

5. What are Joan’s options for dealing with her debt?

Joan could sell her car or home, but both options have significant drawbacks. She can’t work due to her health, and moving in with her daughter isn’t possible.


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A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Amelia's articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.
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